Selamat Hari Merdeka to all GD Fans

Selamat Hari Merdeka to all GD Fans

Aug 30, 2018

Grand Dragon Lottery is wishing all our GDLotto Fan “Selamat Hari Merdeka”       

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BIG Jackpot Total USD83,289.30 give away to our Winners!

BIG Jackpot Total USD83,289.30 give away to our Winners!

Aug 20, 2018

    Congrats to all our Jackpot winners for the 4D number of 0984!        Below are the calculation of our today’s jackpot winners. Total we have only 9 qualified winner for today, and each unit of our jackpot is USD9,254.

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The All New Live Draw Experience! 全新豪龙开彩体验!

The All New Live Draw Experience! 全新豪龙开彩体验!

Aug 20, 2018

Effectively on 13th of August 2018. GDLotto will bring you the most exciting live drawing of 4D lottery! GDLotto has deployed one of the most thinnest indoor LED screen at our lottery stage, and designed to give each drawing motion in more exciting,

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