KAW KAW 51% this Labour Day!
GD Lotto cares for you and at this time, one can now grab some great deals from us in conjunction with Labour Day. At this hard time, GD Lotto pairs with GDPoints bringing you KAW KAW discount where we will help you to
Jackpot HIT: Payout total USD 550, 347.88
After 3 months, finally, the jackpot is hit. Congrats to all the winner for winning the jackpot. And this time we had paid out a total of USD 550,347.88. This round, we have 80 winners and each of them will be taking away USD$
Big Bonus WON!
Congratulations to all winner. It is indeed a BIG WIN For all the winners. This round, the number 0015 had won the big bonus which is the 2nd prize. And this time GD Lotto had given away USD471,467.68 with 75 winners in total.
How to avoid Coronavirus
As Coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world, GD Lotto would like to wish you good health and hope you will take the necessary steps to protect yourself and family. Here are some steps to protect you and your family.
Wishing all Happy Chinese New Year Eve
Wishing all Happy Chinese New Year Eve. Have a great CNY Eve ahead and an enjoyable one
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