July 21, 2024
豪龙Super Jackpot派奖高达USD105,003.00美金!
English News

豪龙Super Jackpot派奖高达USD105,003.00美金!

Apr 8, 2018

On 6th of April 2018, Lucky Number of 5107 that fall on the Position A, is being drew up to First Prize position, mean this number has hit our SUPER JACKPOT and grab 100% from our Jackpot pool that already accumulated to USD105,003.36 (approximately of RM420,012). There are total 39 qualified units of winners, who has bought USD1 (or RM4) per 4D numbers.


To know more about our Bonus Jackpot, you can refer to the below diagram:


Apart from here, we also found a lot of winners shared their winning ticket in the Facebook, and we have selected a few of the shared tickets like below:







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