Download now! And you won’t be missing anything now! And this app has over 5 million downloads already!! What’s more is GD LOTTO is listed in the app.

Now you won’t miss you lottery draw again and this is a one-stop app complete with all the draw results from Magnum, Damacai, Toto and of course GD Lotto.

GD Lotto is now listed at the 4D Results apps and one can check their result with an ease. And check-out GD Lotto at the listing.

And what makes it even fun is one can check out the number history which is where the particular number had appeared in winnings at the different platform. You can find all the history from there as well.

You can also check, what is the meaning behind the number by just click on the Dream Meaning too.

And you can add the number to your favorite selection as well.

To check on Past results just click at the past Results. You can also share the results with your friend now too via whatsapp,
facebook, WeChat or more.
facebook, WeChat or more.

Don’t know whats your lucky number of the day click at the lucky number and you can get whats your lucky number for the day.

Not just that, we loved to see great comments too where our supporters putting some love for us. Why wait, download now and you will never miss your results and you can download the apps at Play Store.