July 21, 2024
USD 74,109.92 Won!
English News

USD 74,109.92 Won!

Nov 28, 2018

Last Wednesday  ( 21 November 2018  , a total of USD74k  ( which is equivalent to RM 310k) had been won by a total of 14 units from our qualified winners.Even though, is not a grand prize, GDLotto is here to congratulate all our winners.

It is simply easy to WIN the jackpot where as long as the A position went up to either 3rd, 2nd or 1st place, and the qualified winner of A position went up to either 3rd, 2nd or 1st place, and the qualified winner of A position will hit our bonus jackpot immediately. And this time we have a Small Jackpot won. This means 30% of the total jackpot will be won and share among all the qualified winners.

For those who want to know you how the Small Bonus is being calculated, it is simply easy !

On the Day Jackpot Pool Figure: USD2,488,033.08 x 30%
Small Bonus Jackpot: 30%
Total Bonus won: USD74,109.92 (USD2,488,033.08 x 30%)
Total Qualified Units of Winner: 14 units.
Each Unit Price: USD 5,293.566

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